
Lightbulb lit up beside a laptop
In an ever-changing landscape, fraud continues to be a growing threat for most businesses. With 65% of companies reporting fraud attacks 1, it’s clear fraudsters are becoming more sophisticated causing devastation to their victim’s bottom line and operations. Now is the time to safeguard your business and it starts with staying informed. Our experts share valuable insights and actionable strategies to help you fight fraud. The handout covers: Payment fraud trends Common types of fraud Fraudsters’ evolving tactics Best practices and how to better protect your business View Webinar Recording...
Article | 5 min |
Cryptocurrency scam threats continue to grow and are now the preferred payment method for fraudsters. According to the Federal Trade Commission in 2022, cryptocurrency was the most common payment method for fraudulent activity, with approximately $2 billion in transfers. Here’s an overview of cryptocurrency fraud and important tips on how to help protect yourself and your family. What is cryptocurrency? Cryptocurrency is a digital currency, which is decentralized, or not controlled by a government or traditional financial institution. Cryptocurrency is used as an alternative form of payment or...
Article | 5 min |
Banker handing slip to customer
Don’t let fraud prevention fall by the wayside. To survive in a world full of scammers and thieves, small businesses must take cybersecurity and check fraud seriously. Never trust a suspicious check, and don’t hesitate to request an alternative payment. Utilizing check payments to pay your vendors may also be putting your business at risk. Learn more about check fraud and how to protect your business. Bank checks are still the most popular method for making business-to-business payments. But unfortunately, check fraud has significantly increased over the last several years. According to the...
Article | 7 min |
Woman working diligently on her laptop
A vigilant remote work policy is the only way to safeguard your at-home employees from cybersecurity threats. While we’ve learned the value of remote and hybrid work over the past few years, we’ve also identified the pain points. Outside the office, your employees, their data, and your business information are at significant risk to hackers and scammers. But there are too many benefits to work-from-home to let scammers scare you away. Instead, educate employees on what to look for and how to safeguard their at-home Wi-Fi connections. Let’s explore seven actionable tips you can leverage to set...
Article | 7 min |
Executives conducting a meeting
The unfortunate reality is that cybercrime continues to pay, and as such, it continues to grow. This makes cybersecurity for small business an especially important topic for the small business world as most smaller companies have limited budgets—and therefore limited protection. Read more on how you can protect your business from tech threats that plague every business connected online. Cybercriminals often seek the proverbial “path of least resistance,” targeting organizations they perceive to have the weakest defenses. This makes cybersecurity for small business an especially important topic...